Wednesday, January 5, 2011

First of The Year!

In Chinese philosophy, yin and yang are opposite forces that form a whole. Everything contains both yin and yang in a balance that is always changing.

The painting on the right, Trees at Dusk 1, was one of two canvases that I painted a while back. Ever since Trees at Dusk 2 sold this painting has seemed unbalanced. I ended my 2010 and started off 2011 in the studio working on a new partner for the painting.

Here's to a balanced life in 2011! Happy New Year!


  1. Fabulous Cheryl!
    It feels very real, like I am standing there looking up at the tree in reverence.

  2. Just popping on over (Hostess has told us all about you!) to say hello and also happy birthday too I believe. You have such amazing talent, Cheryl. X

  3. popping over - leslie sent me to say hello. your work is stunning!


  4. Hi Cheryl, Happy Birthday. Hostess was showing your beautiful paintings,loved the one painted on linen.Ida x

  5. I couldn't have imagined a better day: petits fours from Bon Ton, flowers and tea in the studio with artist friends, dinner with family at Les Faux Bourgeois and a cake made by my daughter, lots of emails, cards, wonderful lavendar lotion from Mrs HB along with her very kind words and all of your lovely comments and good wishes. A heartfelt thanks from une femme d'un certain âge!
